Join the largest digital display network in Quebec and Ontario!

We partner with CRACKBOOM

CRACKBOOM screens capture the attention of consumers going about their day for one reason: we put them beside cash registers! The strategically placed screens are placed at eye level, where customers generally have a short wait time.
Create your ad campaign from start to finish with our online platform.
Danzo Web Banners

Advertise on the best fitness app!
Thousands of people visit our platform every day, so our ad spaces offer exceptional visibility to our partners.

Ad Banners

Danzo ad banners appear on the website and app version of the platform. Even better, we use geolocation to better serve our advertisers' tagret market.
Rates based on CPM (cost per thousand impressions)

Sponsored Videos

Sponsoring a video is simple: We add your logo on one of our workout routines, and it is seen each time a user views that video.
Rates based on CPM (cost per thousand impressions)


We're always looking to work on awesome projects

    Don't know how to communicate your needs?
    Give us a call! 819 210-1432